Task: The main objective of this week is to begin focusing on your final projects and interventions, defining the scope and developing a project plan for the rest of the course. Some of the questions you should reflect on it and answer in your website:
What will it do?
My final project titled VIBOLI, stands for Virtual Botanical Library. It will be an interactive VR experience using UNITY as a platform, to bring about awareness on how we can learn about the importance of reforestation and “meeting” tree species that would otherwise be endangered in the real world. Through this, this can be future means to fund reforestation efforts or simply just build awareness about reforestation in an immersive way
Who’s done what beforehand?
I was inspired by ROMI documentation, who use L-py, a mathematical expression that uses L systems and python to determine, map and model the phenotype of plants. I would like to use L-systems to simulate tree growth.
One of my biggest inspiration, and collaborators are named SOFT ( Store of Future Things) uses UNITY as a platform for e-commerce. They use interface application programming to make immersive VR experiences that are galleries, museums and alternative ways to interact with both the physical world and digital. They have a physical space, that when entered in the VR, becomes a changing interface, with a press a button, all programmed on UNITY.
What will you design?
3D model trees that have growing animation in FBX format using Houdini and Blender Write scripts for interface programming to communicate from UNITY 3D Modelling space to a server called UNIVRSE that allows the hosting of VR/ AR environments.
What materials and components will be used?
Where will it come from?
I will be collaborating with a studio to use both their Gaming server to host the VR environment, and headsets. but for programming interfaces, I will use my own .
How much will they cost?
What is costly in this project, would be the food and beverages for the opening event. In this case I am lucky that everything is free. Only thing that also costs me in a non-fiscal way, is that I do not have access to the gaming server after the event, So the files would be saved on github for future reference and open source use What parts and systems will be made? I do not have to make new parts, but I would like to make the files open source, so I would like to make a github repository for this project.
What processes will be used?
Coding Tree generative growing using L-systems and Houdini. Communication between Univrs and UNITY. How will it be evaluated? The main aspect I would like to gather is feedback from attendees. In this case, a questionnaire will suffice in understanding how this type of project can be bettered, and what is the demographic of the people attending, in order to make future networking to further develop with those interested in this topic